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Upcoming Event(s) 2023

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The College of Human Resource Management (CHRM), formerly, IHRM College, is a leading middle level academic institution in Kenya, established in 1997. Read more


Networking Opportunities

Access to the largest Professional Alumni in the HR field in the region with well over 16000 past students.

Real Continuous Professional Development

Research is at the top of the Research and Development of the College of Human Resource Management.

Great Discounts

Discounted trainings and seminars that will enable you access the latest in the HR and Management field in the world.

Support systems-coaching /mentorship

All new members who are joining the profession shall be able to receive coaching and mentorship by the senior players in the field of Human Resource Management. This is only possible through the CHRMAA activities and CSR.

Job referrals

Most senior HRPs in the country are alumni of the college and hence, they are in a better position to provide upto date referrals for placement.

The William Gitobu Memorial Library

The William Gitobu Memorial Library is one of the largest Library in matters of HR and Management. You have discounted access to this library and hence keep up to date with the trends in HR world.

Discounted rates for all CHRM trainings

Discounted rates for all CHRM trainings such as the Talent Summit and Employee/Labour/Industrial Relations Symposia.

Resume building

Significantly enhance your resume and career prospects by accessing a vast network of professionals in the field of human resource management, as well as opportunities for continuing education and professional development.

Click on the button below to activate your membership.


Featured Event

CHRMAA Alumni Night/Dinner

Latest News & Events

7th Annual Talent Summit

  • Date: 7th November 2023
Mark your calendars for the 7th Annual Talent Summit by CHRM College and the CHRM College Alumni Association. The Summit is Scheduled for the 7th to the 10th of November 2023 at the Pride Inn Flamingo Beach Resort and Spa, Mombasa. This year's summit theme is Innovate for Talent Success: Empowering Change in Future Workforce Strategies. Explore the future of talent management and workforce strategies through interactive, engaging, and informative sessions facilitated by industry leaders and experts. Register here to reserve your slot.

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